!SOLD OUT! LIVE: Warhaus

Do, 27. Mär 2025

19:00 Uhr


Doors: 7 PM

Show: 8 PM

Warhaus – Karaoke Moon

Exactly two years after Ha Ha Heartbreak, Warhaus, the solo project of Maarten Devoldere, returns with a new album: Karaoke Moon. Is it fast? No idea. But those who remember the heart-wrenching atmospheres of the previous album will be surprised by the opener of Karaoke Moon, the first single ‘Where The Names Are Real’. It begins modestly. To the rhythm of a foreboding acoustic guitar, backed by haunting backing vocals, it sounds as if Maarten Devoldere is unsure whether to say it or not. But less than a minute later, he can't hold back anymore: "Babe, I'm in love with you!" And he gets away with it too, in that sovereign manner typical of a true crooner. Then the drums start to swing, the typical percussive Warhaus bass kicks in, and the listener is carried away by Devoldere’s sultry parlando as he sings about his love. It's a voice that, more than ever, dominates this album and would keep us glued to the speakers even if he were reading a phonebook. Luckily, that's not what he's doing. Instead, we hear: "I promise you no dirty tricks." For a moment, you wonder: can this man be trusted? But you have no choice but to believe him. Strings join in, a catchy eighties organ burrows itself into your brain, and the backing choirs soar higher and higher. And so, the glowing and masterfully constructed ‘Where The Names Are Real’ leaves the listener hungry for the rest of Karaoke Moon. Rightfully so. Devoldere had more than 50 songs on the shelf after two years of disciplined monk-like work. And what did the producer say after he submitted those demos? Meh. You can do better, Maarten. Deeper, more surprising, more inquisitive. Ten years ago, he wouldn’t have accepted that.

It’s these clever—and often humorous—contrasts that turn Karaoke Moon into an album that grows with each listen, seducing the listener to delve deeper, layer after layer, line by line, into Warhaus’ unique universe. And yes, it’s an extraordinarily interesting place to be.