Enigmatic Serenades #7 w/ Diamantista, Cochlea, Rudi Gier

Di, 04. Mär 2025

19:30 Uhr


Alle Infos und Updates zur Enigmatic Serenades Konzertreihe gibt es laufend via Telegram Channel.
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞:

19:30 Doors
20:30 Rudi Gier
21:15 Cochlea
22:00 Diamantista


Rudi Gier (Vienna)
Tape release debut show

Curiosity drives Rudi Gier's wandering mind. With their debut EP »A Succession of Leaps« Rudi Gier seamlessly blends the familiar and the strange, creating a sonic landscape of effortless intertwining fragments. Sounds based on a collection of small instruments, synthesizers, field recordings and tape loops prowl through forests, cross rivers and creep through space, guided by a dynamic narrative.



Cochlea (Graz, Linz, Vienna)
Live obduction sound performance

un.a.live obduction creates sound via a live autopsy. The intensity of touch is transformed into information and sound. With a decolonialist approach, the power that humans have over other (non-)human animals is demonstrated. The voyeuristic stare at the autopsy is intended to awaken a horror show of confrontation with transience. Gazing at the internal organs and the flesh is supposed to weld itself into the minds of the viewers – like the awareness of what it means to be in a privileged position.



Diamantista (nowhere)
Black Experimental
First solo show in Vienna

A metamorphic entity emerging from the rubble, St. Diamantista VII manifests itself between the pieces of wreckage and the signals of a solitary lighthouse. A disfigured reinterpretation of
avant-garde black metal, ambient and power electronics,
Diamantista's performance emanates from the intimate. As if trapped in an in-between, their atmospheric guitar and vocal tears
conjure a vivid wound, a distant and confused dream.



Ermöglicht durch freundliche Unterstützung der Stadt Wien und der gföm/AKM.