LIVE: Reinhardt Buhr

Mi, 05. Mär 2025

19:00 Uhr


Doors: 19:00 Uhr
Show: 20:00 Uhr

-> please bring enough time for storing your wardrobe etc.!

The story of Reinhardt Buhr’s musical journey is one of transformation, inspiration, and devotion. At the age of 19, a friend’s newfound passion for the guitar spurred him on to pursue it himself. He discovered the flamenco guitar a year in and almost imme diately landed his first little local gig. As a result of his natural talent, he was able to form a band that successfully toured all across the country in a very short amount of time. Reinhardt started out with playing the guitar to adding various instruments to his live set like: Electric cello, didgeridoo, piano, drums, hang drum, shofar, electric saxophone and much more!

However, Reinhardt’s rise in the music scene was accompanied by a descent into a dark periodof substance abuse, leaving him disconnected from his true self and from his surroundings. It was only after reaching a profound low that Reinhardt turned to God for help. In 2016, Reinhardt and his wife experienced a life-changing spiritual awakening that marked the beginning of their healing and salvation journey.


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