Mi, 06. Nov 2024
19:30 Uhr
Enter an extraordinary evening of audiovisual psychedelia spiced with trippy avantgarde tribal folk spells and lavender-coloured narrenkastl dream pop up in iridescent clouds - conjured up for you by:
LILLIE CREATURES (AT) x liquid light visuals by Sali Leihl (AT) - live
Coucou Babe (AT/US) – live
Otherworldly with a punk-hearted tweak, Austrian-born and Japan/Taiwan-evolved one-girl-band LILLIE CREATURES lures you into a hypnotic sequence of multi-layered slow-motion explosions. Combining influences of psychedelic, ethereal wave, tribal folk, process music, and space rock into their own unique howl playfully dubbed as super space folk, LILLIE CREATURES synthesize haunting vocals and pulsating guitar loops into an idiosyncratic live sampling micro-orchestra. Launched 2020 during their residence in Tokyo, Japan, LILLIE CREATURES subsequently moved to Taiwan and immersed themselves in the local music scene, performing at venues and festivals across the island before relocating to Vienna in 2022. Active in Europe and Asia alike, LILLIE CREATURES explore and create a kaleidoscopic multiverse of sound, abducting audiences to the far and mysterious edges of inner space.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lilliecreatures/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2J5hmR4FHw
Streaming : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5GPgDth4WChTiylaKsa7bA…
Bandcamp: https://lilliecreatures.bandcamp.com/album/child
Abducting your eyes on a caleidoscopic journey through psychedelic colours and ever-morphing shapes, tonight Sali Leihl will express her multifarious artistic output in a 60s-inspired anaog live visuals performance. Generating a full scale liquid light overhead show luring your vision on a trip through the multicosmos of colours and shapes of our panta rei reality, she will accompany LILLIE CREATURES concert on a mission into another dimension..
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/salileihl
Youtube : https://youtu.be/uwKakMO5Vb8?si=lDmYGImyobizne8V
Dream-pop infuzed somewhere-gaze glazed with psychedelic shreds and the occasional banshee scream beneath enchanting vocals. Comprising members from both Nashville, Tennessee, and Vienna, Austria, Coucou Babe seamlessly blends influences from vibrant musical scenes on both continents to create a truly unique auditory experience. Self-describing their music as "dreamy tunes to dance to alone in your room", Coucou Babe catch the audience with classic nostalgic beats and dreamy undertones. Drawing comparisons to iconic acts like Beach House and Alvvays, Coucou Babe brings a fresh perspective to the dream-pop genre, continuing to enchant audiences with their hypnotic sound and inviting the listeners into a mesmerizing realm where melodies sway like lavender-scented breezes.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/coucoubabeland/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oca3htjPlPE
Streaming : https://open.spotify.com/artist/64oYZ9wab5dkE4IrGVwPz0...
Bandcamp : coucoubabe.bandcamp.com
Doors: 19:30
Start: 20:00
Entry: AK € 12,-
* We want every person to be able to enjoy our music and attend our event. If it is financially difficult for you to support our musicians by paying the suggested ticket fee but really want to attend, please cut a heart out of paper and donate it together with whatever amout you can afford at the door