Pink Mayhem pres. Beas Birthday Bash

Fr, 24. Jan 2025

23:00 Uhr


Missed us? We’re stoked to kick off the new year with a very special edition of Pink Mayhem! Join us on the 24.01 at Flucc Wanne to celebrate our co-founder Bea‘s birthday with some hardtechno !!

You already know - It’s gonna get loud. It’s gonna get hard. It’s gonna get sweaty.


23:00 - 00:20 armin hermann

00:20 - 01:40 pinklotion b2b lilmagojuice

01:40 - 03:20 billy currie

03:20 - 04:40 bludhound b2b silentsevir

04:40 - 06:00 mel b2b hello kiffy


We have a ZERO-tolerance policy for sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of violence.
Our awareness team can be recognized by their fairy lights and are there to look after your safety and wellbeing. If you see or experience anything uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to approach them!
We look out for each other.

See you on the dancefloor!
flyer by @itscatherines