Nour Sokhon Performance 2.4.25

Nour Sokhon "Beirut Birds"

Mi, 02. Apr 2025

21:00—22:00 Uhr



sound performance

The sound performance takes place as part of the exhibition Car(ry)ing Memories by Nour Sokhon and Joanna Zabielska, curated by Aline Lenzhofer, within the festival Salam Music.

The multidisciplinary artist and composer Nour Sokhon presents ‘Beirut Birds’, an audiovisual experience that takes up personal stories of migration, displacement, and the cyclical turbulent circumstances in Lebanon. In a live performance, she combines interview fragments and object noises with experimental sounds, complemented by projections of cityscapes of Beirut and bird migrations across the Mediterranean.


Nour Sokhon is an artist based in Berlin and Beirut. Her creative practice is centered around exploring different methods of working with artistic research including interview material, field recordings and recorded material from an organized site specific intervention. The research is then translated into sound/music compositions, performances, interactive installations and moving image work. In 2014, Nour Sokhon achieved an undergraduate degree in Fine Arts from the American University in Dubai, and in 2017 she culminated a large scale project; a documentary entitled ‘People on Sound’, as part of her Master’s degree in Sound for the Moving Image at the Glasgow School of Art in the UK. In 2019, Nour received the Emerging Artist Prize at the Sursock Museum in Lebanon, for a moving image piece entitled ‘Revisiting: Hold Your Breath’. in 2024 she released her first album ‘Beirut Birds’.

kuratiert von Aline Lenzhofer

präsentiert in Kooperation von Salam Music & philomena+

Artist Residency Nour Sokhon in Kooperation mit Kulturen in Bewegung



Die multidisziplinäre Künstlerin und Komponistin Nour Sokhon präsentiert mit „Beirut Birds“ ein audiovisuelles Erlebnis, das persönliche Geschichten von Migration, Vertreibung und den zyklischen Krisen im Libanon aufgreift. In einer Live-Performance verbindet sie Interviewfragmente und Objektgeräusche mit experimentellen Sounds, ergänzt durch Projektionen von Stadtbildern Beiruts und Vogelwanderungen über das Mittelmeer.