Im Bunker wird's bunter

Fr, 22. Sep 2023

22:00—06:00 Uhr


presented by Tohuwabohu

Doors open at 22:00.

Come as you are / come as you wish.

»Im Bunker wird's bunter« mit bunter Deko & Lightmapping.

Das Tohuwabohu Awareness-Team sorgt für einen Safer Space, in dem sich alle wohl und willkommen fühlen sollen.


»Through swirling lights, we all take part,

We're drawn as moths to Techno's heart.

In Tohuwabohu's vibrant dream,

Beats and lights in rhythmic stream.

In unity we sway and trance,

A journey shared, a cosmic dance.«

- Shakespeare feat. ChatGPT



22:00 - 23:30 Stoik

23:30 - 00:30 Zphyre

0:30 - 2:00 Lucid

2:00- 3:30 Angiko

3:30 - 4:30 LAGOS

4:30 - 5:45 Schiaba