»Kenne keine Töne« Album release celebration by Conny Frischauf and Friends

Fr, 28. Jun 2024

22:00 Uhr


An evening dedicated to „Kenne Keine Töne“, the new album by Conny Frischauf .
The events DJ Line Up is gathering friends and supporters.

Line Up:

in running order

Solo Isa + Verschrin


Lucia Kagramanyan

Conny Frischauf + Oko Oko

After "Die Drift", "Kenne Keine Töne" is the second studio album by the Vienna-based artist Conny Frischauf. Moving between pop and experiment, she embarks on a search for the momentary, the transitions and sonorous threshold spaces, creating a fascinating sound laboratory that invites us to readjust our listening habits. Kenne Keine Töne will be released by Bureau B on June 28th.

The midnight ceremony will be held by magic Diana Barbosa Gil and Conny Frischauf. We will be introducing the "Kenne Keine Töne" record with our post-knowledge appearance.

All income from the entrance fee will be used to cover the space rent and for donations to humanitarian aid working in Gaza. 

"Kenne Keine Töne" Vinyl LPs, CDs and T-Shirts will be available at the event!